
Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Economy Vocabulary: Chapter 6

The management of the resources of a community, country, etc., especially with a view to its productivity.

Economic System:
The system of production and distribution and consumption.

Insufficiency or shortness of supply; dearth.
Rural or farming areas, as contrasted with urban areas: They left the land for the city.

Productive activity, especially for the sake of economic gain.

The city or town that is the official seat of government in a country, state, etc.: Tokyo is the capital of Japan.

Privately Owned:
A privately held company or close corporation is a business company owned either by non-governmental organizations or by a relatively small number of shareholders or company members which does not offer or trade its company stock (shares) to the general public on the stock market exchanges, but rather the company's stock is offered, owned and traded or exchanged privately.

Publically Owned:Or Public company, a company which is permitted to offer its securities (stock, bonds, etc.) for sale to the general public, typically through a stock exchange.

Public Good:
a good or service that is provided without profit for society collectively.

Shift left:
Left shift or Shift Left is an increase in the number of immature leukocytes in the peripheral blood, particularly neutrophil band cells.

Shift Right:
An increase in the percentage of multilobed neutrophils.

A person or organization that uses a commodity or service.

A person who creates economic value, or produces goods and services.


To furnish or provide (a person, establishment, place, etc.) with what is lacking or requisite to supply someone clothing; to supply a community with electricity.
To call for or require as just, proper, or necessary: This task demands patients. Justice demands objectivity.
the act of competing; rivalry for supremacy, a prize, etc.: The competition between the two teams was bitter.
 Unemployment Rate:
the percentage of the work force that is unemployed at any given date.
to hit or dash on or against something, as a moving body does; come into forcible contact; collide.
Collective Barganing:
the process by which wages, hours, rules, and working conditions are negotiated and agreed upon by a union with an employer for all the employees collectively whom it represents.
Labour Union:
an organization of wage earners or salaried employees for mutual aid and protection and for dealing collectively with employers; trade union.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Chapter 5 - Immigration: Vocabulary

immigration- the process of people establishing homes and often citizenship, in a country that is not their native country. E.G.  reasons for why people would immigrate to a different country: economic, political, family re-unification, natural disaster, poverty or the wish to change one's surroundings voluntarily.

refugee-A person who seeks refue in another country because of danger or persecution in their home country. e.g. as in time of political upheaval, war, etc.

Quebec accord: a legal agreement concerning immigration issues between the federal government of Canada and the Province of Quebec.

demographic-To do with the characteristics of populations. e.g. the number of births or deaths.

labour force growth- The growth of the "labour force," or the number of people who can work. E.g. Wall Street Journal 2003 and Kanell 2004.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Accused Gadhafi Plotter Met With SNC-Lavalin Executive (Current Event)

Who: One of the people accused in an alleged plot to smuggle members of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi’s family to Mexico was with an SNC-Lavalin executive when police took her into custody.

What:  Leslie Quinton, SNC-Lavalin vice-president of global corporate communications, confirmed in an email that Roy "was present when the other person [Huerta] was detained and was asked the purpose of his visit by the authorities, which he stated was the possibility of water treatment projects."

Where: Mexico

When: February 3, 2012

How does it affect Canada: It affects Canada because The gadhafi could come to Canada and blow up our town hall and make a big corruption.
How Does it Affect Me: This affects me because if the Gadhafi comes to Lethbridge and blows parts of it up then I might get blown up too.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Chapter 4 Vocabulary: Collective Rights

Vocabulary: the stock of words used by or known to a particular people or group of persons.

Affirm: to state or assert positively; maintain as true.

Collective Identity:  An individuals' sense of belonging to a group.

Collective Rights: Rights guaranteed to specific groups in Canada society for historical and constitutional reasons.

First Nations: The umbrella name for the diverse Aboriginal poeples who have collective rights that are recognized and protected in Canada's constitution.

Sovereignty: rightful status, independence, or prerogative.

a specified income payable at stated intervals for a fixed or a contingent period, often for the recipient's life, in consideration of a stipulated premium paid either in prior installment payments or in a single payment.
Officail Language Minority:
 speaking an official language in an area where it is a minority
Anglophone: an English-speaking person, especially a native speaker of English.
Fracophones: speaking French, especially as a member of a French-speaking population.
-become part of a different cultural group

Entrench (ed)
-fixing firmly within

-european word for first nations

-land for the exclusive use of first nations

-authority to make decisions

Land Claims
-legal control over a specific area of land

-an agreement signed after labor negotiations between union and management

-a group of something

-the belief that one culture is superior to all other cultures

Official Language Minority
-speaking an official language in an area where it is a minority

Official Language Community
-one of the groups in Canadian society whose members speak an official language of Canada

Publically Funded

-a manuscript or document