
Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Chapter 3-Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom-Vocabulary

Fundamental Rights- a generally-regarded set of entitlements in the context of a legal system, wherein such system is itself said to be based upon this same set of basic, fundamental, or inalienable entitlements or "rights."

Legal Rights-political and legal system, and therefore relative to specific cultures and governments.

Mobility Rights- is a human right concept that the constitutions of numerous states respect. It asserts that a citizen of a state in which that citizen is present has the liberty to travel, reside in, and/or work in any part of the state where one pleases within the limits of respect for the liberty and rights of others.

Democratic Rights-Everyone has the right to freedom of expression without any interference. This right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any media of his choice.

Equality Rights- is a social state of affairs in which all people within a specific society or isolated group have the same status in a certain respect.

Discrimination-is the prejudicial treatment of an individual based on their membership in a certain group or category. It involves the actual behaviors towards groups such as excluding or restricting members of one group from opportunities that are available to another group.

Prejudice- is making a judgment or assumption about someone or something before having enough knowledge to be able to do so with guaranteed accuracy.

Diversity- A point of difference.

Constitution-is a set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is governed.

Indian Act-is a Canadian statute that concerns registered Indians, their bands, and the system of Indian reserves.

Labour Unions-is an organization of workers that have banded together to achieve common goals such as better working conditions.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Introductory Vocabulary

Perspective: the state of one's ideas, the facts known to one

Point of View: an opinion, attitude, or judgment

Quality of Life:
your personal satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with the cultural or intellectual conditions under which you live (as distinct from material comfort); "the new art museum is expected to improve the quality of life"

Governance: a method or system of government or management.

Political System:
the members of a social organization who are in power.

executive branch:
the branch of government charged with the execution and enforcement of laws and policies and the administration of public affairs.

legislative branch:
The branch of the federal and state government empowered to make the laws that are then enforced by the executive branch and interpreted by the judicial branch.

judicial branch:
The court systems of local, state, and federal governments, responsible for interpreting the laws passed by the legislative branch and enforced by the executive branch.

constituent:  having power to frame or alter a political constitution or fundamental law, as distinguished from lawmaking power

minorities:  a smaller party or group opposed to a majority, as in voting or other action.

accountable: subject to the obligation to report, explain, or justify something.

bias: a particular tendency or inclination, especially one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question.

Issue: a point in question or a matter that is in dispute, as between contending parties in an action at law.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Chapter Two - Criminal Justice Vocabulary

Fair/ Equitable:   
characterized by equity or fairness; just and right; fair; reasonable: equitable treatment of all citizens.

Justice System: justice system consists of three main parts: (1) Legislative (create laws); (2) adjudication (courts); and (3) corrections (jails, prisons, probation and parole). In a criminal justice system, these distinct agencies operate together both under the rule of law and as the principal means of maintaining the rule of law within society.


Criminal record:
a  list of crimes for which an accused person has been previously convicted; "he ruled that the criminal record of the defendant could not be disclosed to the court"; "the prostitute had a record a mile long"

Justice: the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness: to uphold the justice of a cause.
Legislation: the act of making or enacting laws.

the state or quality of being valid: to question the validity of the argument.

Community Service:
a punitive sentence that requires a convicted person to perform unpaid work for the communityin lieu of imprisonment.

Sentence; an authoritative decision; a judicial judgment or decree, especially the judicial determination of the punishment to be inflicted on a convicted criminal.

to restore to a condition of good health, ability to work, or the like.

the process of returning the mind to an integrated state after it has been deranged by psychosis.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Social 9F Current Event

 City Cracks Up To 10
By: Nikolaos Guzzi
Oct.19th, 2011

As a city that supports business initiatives, Lethbridge ranks eighth in the nation. By comparison, an annual "entrepreneurial index" report placed Calgary in 21st place - and Toronto in 91st. The high ranking for Lethbridge, explains the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, comes in part from the local business community's favourable comments on this city's taxes and policies.
But Lethbridge was far from the only Alberta community topping the polls, points out CFIB spokesperson Richard Truscott. Grande Prairie placed first across Canada, Lloydminster was No. 2 and Edmonton placed fifth.
Fort McMurray and Red Deer ranked immediately ahead of Lethbridge, sixth and seventh respectively. But Medicine Hat finished much further down, in 39th place.
Among Canada's mid-sized cities, the CFIB placed Lethbridge fifth.
"A lot of it is related to the number of new businesses, and the steady growth perspective," Truscott said.
Changes in city taxes and polices relating to small business could place Lethbridge still higher, he added. But it was high ratings from the city's business community that boosted Lethbridge into Canada's top 10.
"Albertans should be proud that six of the eight largest cities in our province ranked in the top 10," Truscott said. "It is a sure sign the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in our province."
Saskatchewan also fared well in this year's survey, with Saskatoon and Regina placing third and fourth, and Moose Jaw just behind Lethbridge in ninth. Last year, Truscott said Lethbridge placed 19th - and a year earlier, 43rd in the list of 100.
He said the ratings, as scored by CFIB members, include a dozen indicators related to three general fields: local government's policies as they relate to small business, the level of entrepreneurial activity found in each community, and the level of business expectations and optimism that members voiced.
Lethbridge business operators still hope to see homeowners pay more of the city's property tax bill, Truscott said. The split is currently $2.70 for each $1 paid to the city by homeowners, he added, but that compares with about $4.50 in Calgary. Grande Prairie is among the lowest, at $2 for $1.
At Economic Development Lethbridge, the CFIB ranking was welcome if not surprising.
"One of the ways we measure and track entrepreneurial activity is the growth in new business licences issued," said Cheryl Dick, the agency's chief executive officer. "While we've seen steady increases over the past few years, 2011 has proven to be exceptionally strong."
The 333 new licences issued during the first nine months, she said, represent a 14 per cent increase over last year. While home-based businesses were up six per cent, others (184 of them) showed a 22 per cent hike.
"Not only are new businesses opening, they are sticking," Dick emphasized.
"In 2010, there were only eight business bankruptcies, with only Fort McMurray lower than Lethbridge," she said. "In 2009, Lethbridge had the lowest business bankruptcy rate, with zero."
The CFIB results underline the level of stability enjoyed by Lethbridge-area businesses, she added - as well as the continuing strength of Alberta's economy.
"Even so, it's particularly gratifying that Lethbridge is in the top 10 across the country."

Friday, 23 September 2011

Current Events Blog

My current event is about the south country fair founders honoured at mayor's luncheon.Chambers and Trent Moranz, who together founded Fort Macleod's South Country Fair 25 years ago, accepted the award from the Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge at the fifth annual mayor's luncheon for business and the arts Thursday, just two months after celebrating the 25th anniversary of the much-loved country-folk festival.
Moranz compared receiving the award, which was actually a portrait of the two recipients by local artist Donna Bilyk, to graduating from high school.
"It's one of those landmark moments," he said. "It's just great for somebody to have noticed at that level."
"It's a very pleasant feeling to be recognized for what we do," Moranz added. "We'd do it anyway. We have a deep love."
The pair was among several other local individuals and businesses to be recognized for their contributions to the arts community.
Former mayor Bob Tarleck and Dr. Barbara Lacey shared the Allied Arts Council's individual excellence award, while Covenant Health won in the service organization category and CTV Lethbridge took home the excellence award in the business category. This current event effects me because I went to the south country fair and saw this happening, this effects Canada because it is a very exciting first for members of the Canadian society to have two of their citizens win an luncheon.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011


different people have different point of views on issues based on experience,background,knowledge,bias and influence. perspective is the collective consensus about an issue- in general what would a certain group of people think about this isssue. quality of life- a measure of personal and collective well-being a state of happiness on well-being. phychalogical factors like stress, family/friends support, mental health. social factors: family and friends, mom, dad, siblings people who love you.economics: money, employment, standard of living and housing. political factors: do you live in a free country? are you free of natural disaster?